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The inspiration for the documentary Occupation: Fangirl came from one of our team member’s personal experiences. Jade has been an avid fangirl since she was a kid and now is working hard to join the music industry as a professional. In this context, the fangirl to music industry pipeline seemed the right choice as the theme for her final project at university. Marjana, also an avid fangirl, joined the production and both worked hard to bring our ideas to life. 

In this video, our amazing contributors share their stories and how their love for music motivated them to pursue a career in the music environment. We talked to people in different stages of their professional lives and from multiple parts of the globe in order to investigate various perspectives and approaches.

We hope that Occupation: Fangirl is able to inspire and inform people who are passionate about not only music but any kind of art or form of self-expression.

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